Kristens Kickass Icecream

love… making kick-ass, small-batch, hand-churned ice cream in a range of ever-evolving flavours...

Kristens Kickass Icecream

God Bless America for bringing us Kristen. Born and raised in the States, true love led Kristen to move to Cape Town and marry. But a seemingly innocent wedding present of an ice cream maker quickly led to Kristen discovering another great love…

making kick-ass, small-batch, hand-churned ice cream in a range of ever-evolving flavours.

Handmade ice cream made with love, Kristen makes everything from scratch – right down to the marshmallows, cookies and honeycomb sprinkled in some of her batches.

In her new space at Constantia Uitsig, you can look forward to freshly-made waffles, doughnuts, cookies, hot chocolates, coffees, and, of course, scoops..

Trading Hours:

Mondays to Thursdays:12:00 – 19:00

Fridays to Sundays:10:00 – 20:00